Sometimes you lose yourself as you get pulled along;
Where is there such a thing as smooth life.
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Thursday, November 27, 2008
dengarlah. jgn buat fitnah. Greetings beautiful people. =) Saturday(221108) Went out to eat and TOA PAYOH with MONSTER, ADQ, APAI, IFAN and KHALAF. After that, lepak-ing at IFAN's hse until 3am. Watched soccer matches on cable Tv. Sunday(231108) Changed of plans. I decided to go for KENDARAT. Janjinye kul 830am dekat PETIR LRT tapi kul 830am aru bangun. Settle ah eh ni dua beradik. Aku kelam kabut, tup tup, HADY call, ckp baru bgn. DONG! It was quite tiring cause we need to walk up and down as the place was divided into three parts. Cab home with HADY. Thanks deary. =) Had dinner at Yishun with MONSTER, ADQ and EPOL&fam. Monday(241108) Met SHIDAH at LOT 1. Walked around for quite some time and decided to find a place to sit down and chit chat. Bid goodbye at 445pm. I was feeling nauseous in the train. Reached home, tros muntah2 continously. Tak bermaya. At night went to see doctor and he said I got stomach flu. And, needed injection to stop the vommitting. Couldn't sleep well either. Tuesday(251108) Met PISHID clans at YIO CHU KANG swimming complex. Had dinner at EPOL's hse and slept over. NURUL and I had serious conversation about you know who la kan. We are sooo gonna take our rights back. Boy, you and your stories, sucks. And girls, jangan bermuka-muka. Guys, one day, you will get your retribution. It's karma, remember? Wednesday(261108) I was in pain. Couldn't sleep. Luckily at 3pm, I tertidur until 7pm. Sungguh best. MONSTER fetched us home. =) Saturday, SENTOSA, here we comeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! Outing with TheGIRLS and later in the evening will be outing with PISHID clans. weeeheeeeeee. =) We never thought to be part of you. All we offer is sincere friendship, not more. If you are telling us that we are not good enough to be a friend and what we are doing is WRONG, why not you come forward, lady to lady and man to man and work things out. Isn't it what wise people do? And, can I asked you something? Anda tidak pernah bual buruk tentang orang lain? Jangan terlalu ikutkan perasaan sendiri. Nanti akan memusnahkan diri. Dalam dunia ini tidak ada orang yang begitu sempurna dan suci. Semua orang ada kesilapan masing-masing. Jadi, memaafkan lebih baik dari anda tokok tambah cerita dan menjadikan ia suatu fitnah. (I wrote this sincerely and there is a way to solve everything.) Labels: right now. Friday, November 21, 2008
we meet work. Hi beautiful people............................... Thursday(201108) APAI's birthday bash!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, including AJIL's...... So, as usual PISHID clans gathered at BLK 9. It was a malam jumaat special. lol. Watched PULAU HANTU 2. Semua terpekik terlolong. Sungguh best skali.......... 815pm, started the celebration and sing, sing, sing..... eat, eat, eat. Then, 930pm watched PUAKA NIYANG RAPIK. Gedebak gedebuk, hantar satu-satu balek... It was a blast okayyyy....! =) Oh yeah, forgot......... A date with bro at McD before heading to TEBAN. <3 Friday(211108) Job interview with GFs. Tiba-tiba terserempak with GF-GF ku yang lain. Imagine, interviewing at the same place together. We just apply for it eventhough assistant managernye tu kerek siket. So, had late lunch at B.K with AZIEEEEEEEEE. After that IRRAHH B and I headed to VIVO. Window shopping la kononnye. Never planned it actually. Ter jumpe someone I know at J.E and since terlepas train, why not kite lingered somewhere... 143-ed there. And the R 21 kind of talk. lol. 963-ed back home. Duduk di kolong blok with IRRAHH B and continued talking... Mcm 10 tahun tak jumpe gitu kn... Waiting for weekend.... Not sure for Saturday. Cause there's still no plans.. But sunday, yes.yes.yes. PISHID clans, jom outing lagyyyyyy. =) HYPER, LET'S GO OUT. MCM DULU-DULU...... hehehehehe... It's hard but I always tried. Somehow.... Tuesday, November 18, 2008
photos.. Pictures at SHAHRUL'S wedding. BREATHE EVENT with TheGIRLS. Pictures at CHALET and SENTOSA will be posted sooon. Unlike others. Labels: Pictures. Saturday, November 15, 2008
pffffft. to hell you bitch. helllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooo peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Wednesday(121108) At 2pm, NURA arrived with her uncle, took all the things and zooooom to BPCC. Bus came at 330pm and headed to ALOHA. Unpacked our things, being brief by CIKGU we straight away get into business. While the rest were watching videos, AZIE,NURA,SHAFIQAH,NANA,NAZ,KHAI, IZAH and I were busy bbq-ing. Then, all gathered in their own rooms. I was with the JUNIORS. It was hilarious. Story-telling la, making lame stories. Then, went back to my room. It was crowded. There were 8 of us in that room and a spoiled bed. What to do. Tidur di lantai lah. Naseb baek tilam die queen size. At 3am, all got hungry. So decided to call up IZAH's friend and ordered McD. Lepas mkn je tros tidor! But end up, NANA, IZAH and I could not sleep. Went to the living room and watch APA KATA HATI? until it was time for the juniors to wake up. Thursday(131108) JUNIORS had their training and I fall asleep in the living room. So cannot tahan. Woke up 3 hrs later and packed our things to move out to another terrace. Tanpa buang masa, NANA,EERA and I went to deep sleep. I woke up at near 6pm. Again, got ready for our bbq-ing. LELA and GALA dropped by. Lawa la kak lela kite skrg.... hehe. And GALA got scolded by IZAH because of mashmellows. And watched PUAKA NIYANG RAPIK ramai2. It was a one hour show so when it ended, all were like," da abes da? alamak!!! org nga shiok2 ni!!". After that went to the JUNIORS room and played MURDERER. Sungguh klaka. You imagine 16 people in a room and all were laughing like nobody'd business. But, whatever it is, we tetap had fun. After that, had a game of TRUTH OR DARE.Since the JUNIORS were playing, we cannot do much daring things. Seniors, you know, I know. Remember those days at GARDEN PLAZA, CARPARK and ZCC. lol. Lights off was early. The five of us, ADEK,EERA,NANA,SHAFIQAH and I were in a room. Squeezed together on the bed. And, sempat maen domino. haha. All were ready for bed but couldn't sleep. So we decided to go FOOD HUNTING. With cup noodles, bbq-ed hotdogs, orange syrup, we watched TV and enjoyed our meal. Da abes mkn je tros smue tdo. LIKE PIG BTL! hehehe. Friday(141108) Could not wake up. Packed our things and hurried down to have breakfast. Took group photos with the real people. All fall asleep in the bus but I took that quiet moment to do reflection. It makes me think wiser you know. lol. (Ira, u noe, i noe)... Dropped at BBP, kissed goodbye and I'm off home. At night, fetched ADQ&ES at VIVO. Saturday(151108) Sentosa-ing with BFs and cousins. Those who went were NURUL, SHIDAH, NOR, NAWAR, TATA,LIANA,APAI and ZURA. Coolness!!!! Then proceeded to VIVO to meet MONSTER & ADQ. Skali, EPOL & RINA pun ade... Walked to KEPPEL BAY. Sungguh indah beb! So, we picnic there for like an hour or two. Took pictures, played catching, had races and dance about. Ni baru the real outing! IT WAS A BOMB! (like wad nor said...) More outings ok.... :) Sunday(161108) Nothing much. Dragged myself out to go JEMPUTAN. Singgah BIDOT's hse. Played with SHUKRI. Ade dimple la die! Then followed MONSTER to watch the match. Seriously, I was bone-idle plus frustrated plus annoyed plus irritated. Went UL's hse and tertido. Monday(171108) Met BROs&SIS at AMK HUB. Had dinner and watched MADAGASCAR. It was hilarious. And spending time with them really made my day. Watching how big and tall they've grown. Those childhood memories were still intact in my mind. sorry, my dad's lorry is only for fake and real people and not the originals. Why not you use your own? It's better, I guess. Labels: Babe, I'm bitcher. Wednesday, November 12, 2008
camp, set, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fetched dear one from school. Kononnye malu lah tu dpan kwn2. Mintak kene sepak. Reached his hse and watched MADAGASCAR. Baru lah la nk baring, nk bobal. Missed him a lot ok. Did not get to say proper goodbye to him cz both EFAH and I were like running away from him. hahahaa. Exams are officially over. And I'm gonna miss my dear friends. Especially 5N3. Those crazy moments. The non-stop hits laughter. The sweetheart thingy by JEWELLCY. The "kungfu" shuffle by LZY. JYOTHI and her kecoh-ness. And MDM CHONG lessons. Cause she will get very fed-up when we donnoe a single thing about her subject. Her expressions each time she scolded us. "Mediacorp wants you!"That was what EEWIN said to her. lol. Ok. Camp. All right people. Miss me. Mengembara jauh ni. I'll be back with latest news. Why did you say, "I love you", if you knew that it wouldn’t last. Labels: Matahariku. Saturday, November 8, 2008
breathe don't breathe. Friday(071108) She was discharged this afternoon. Alhamdulillah. The event totally SUCKS! BIG TOOT! Put that aside, I still had a lot of fun. "BO" played and we won. I nearly scored but kene itu tiang post. DONG! And the opponents peh coool! Org tendang bola, drg tendang kaki, lutut selain tendang itu bola! kaninayong btl. Tap "BO" tetap menang.. After much commotions, we got changed. Got to meet many people. Saw Cikgu Faizal. Miss Ang &Co. Met Mai and Kina. And, and, SOFFI!!!!!! Miss that one alot. Get to meet her only if there are soccer events. Waited for her team(ITE Simei) to finish their match and ZssGirls had our early dinner. Spilt up, NANA, AZIE, IZZAH and I decided to have LJS. So headed MARINA SQUARE and tgh mkn, someone pulled my hair. Turned and saw B. lol. Taking care siol! APITDONG la tu. Dong punye bdk! Den Hubby came. ok. lol! Whatever siol! hahaha. It was AZIZ, btw. He went off and all four of us waited for the rest kt tanggenye. Amek gambar, posing sane sini. Pose smue, tkleh angkat! At 9pm, MONSTER fetched us. Kat blakang lorry pon peh klaka. Scream and shout at people. Fyda, stop it eh.. haha. "Tiba-tiba....." (inside joke with EERARA.) Had supper at ALIFF with MONSTER, ADQ and APAI. Girls, the camp will be a blast! Pray hard that it will be. eerara, u noe, i noe ok. :) and DONG, tgn da mcm gitu maseh nk maen lagi. Siao! dudok rumah suda... Tk payah maen la!!!!!! Injured lagi, siap! Kene siku seven ah! lol. PAHAM!!!!!!!!! Step playboy konon! Pi dah! Po dah! blah lah! hahaha. cause if my heart breaks, it's gonna hurt so bad. Labels: Mean Everything. Thursday, November 6, 2008
"sincerity meets honesty." Tuesday(041108) Had training. It was raining. With thunderstorms and lightnings. LIGHTNINGS ok! haiyoooooooooooo.... Basically, went for training. As usual, lepak-ing in the room first while waiting for CIKGU. CIKGU came and said we only have 45mins of training cause he needs to go for class. Started off with 2 rounds of jogging cum running cum sprinting. But EERA, NURA, AZIE and I only did the jogging part. (: This happens if we are pampered way too much. Proceeded to court and played handball. Sungguh besttttt..... Had a 3 on 3 match and ended with a warm down exercise. And, and, and, kaninayong punye bdk2, aku dimandikan oleh tepung dan air garam..... pffft. Cleaned up and headed home immediately. The running nose, headsche and sore throat really got me so fed-up. Went hospital and I was in a no good terms with MONSTER. Went MakNgah's hse for a while and back home. Wednesday(051108) Had Malay paper. It was okaayyy. But in the condition I was in, I find it hard to concentrate. Ended at 1215pm, proceeded to Greenridge with GFs(IRRAHH&JU). Thought of buying something soupy but end up buying something spicy. .___. Reached home, got changed and eat. Watched TOTALLY SPIES and headed to bed after taking panadols. Kept waking up every hour or two. And it was raining heavily with thunder. Visited the hospital and went to the 4Ns chalet at ALOHA. People, THE PLACE IS DAMN BIG. I want a hse like that!!! I want! I want! Girls, we'll be there too, next week... weehee. The BBQ chicken was nice. After that, off to work. Help them cleaned the kitchen with ROZAI, ES, JASMINE, ASRI and IBU(Jassy's mom). Sat down and talked with ADEK. Inside secrets.. (: Headed back home at 145am. Thursday(071108) Sheng Siong-ing with NANA, AZIE, NURA and KHAIRIYAH. Bought stuff for the camp next week. Kecoh beb. So much commotions going on. Si mak tiri tu peh garang. mcm harimau siol. lol. Called MONSTER to fetched me and untuk letak barang-barang tu semue. peh byk. Headed uL's hse and watched PUAKA NIYANG RAPIK. ok ok la kn. cannot lawan KEKASIHKU SERU. ehhehe. Tomorrow is gonna be fun. I hope soooo cz meeting ADEK and EERARA. weheeeee. And "BO" will be playing together for the first time after months of resting... lol. Gonna be hectic. So girls, pyramids again ok? (: Labels: random thoughts. Tuesday, November 4, 2008
"Totally shut". Saturday.(011108) It was my uncle's wedding. So basically most of the PISHID clans were asked to come on both days to make it merrier. On Saturday, waited for MONSTER to be back near sunset and zooooom to Jurong. Cousins, second cousins, aunties, uncles and other close relatives were there already. Eat, talked and we went to GEK POH to "overcome" our boredness. Took pictures, stupid pictures I tell you... After a while went back to the void deck and I decided to "layan" the kiddos. And my MR HANDSOME was there.. weeheee. <3.>(because of the cockroach, mind you...) but it was fun. At near 11pm, bid our goodbyes and proceeded home. Well, not really. Sent the clans home first. Sunday.(021108) Supposed to wake up at 10am but overslept. So, quickly get ready and zooom to TEBAN and fetched NURUL&FAM, EPOL&FAM and BUJEL&FAM. Reached Jurong and they were ready to proceed to the bride's place. Since the bus was not that full, I decided to "KEPO-KEPO". hehe. The journey there was not exactly to be rocking out. It's at Pasir Ris. .____. Saw MR HANDSOME looking at the bus with the kesian face. Should bring him along la. haissss. Reached the bride's place and gedebak gedebak, HUJAAAANNN! walauwei.... TOYOL was mummed. Got scared of the BARONGAN. So he was quiet all the way. Baik sungguh. Talking about that, the kompang boys were quite cute. (: Pictures taking and oh, karaoke. MONSTER sang. Permintaan mak pengantin beb! lol. You wanna know what song?? "kerana budi, aku jatuh hati." The PISHID clans were all cheering for him. Step artis la konon tu MONSTER aku. Played around with SHUKRI. Punyelah cute.... 6pm bid our goodbyes and went to BLK 9. Reached BLK 9, the seniors went to visit TOK BOTAK and the junior clans(w/o Napi's clan) lepak-ing at BLK 9 and watched Tamil movie, THIMIRU. Best dokk. The seniors came back and we watched WUJUD 2. After that, switched off the screen and talked. About the funny that has happened. About PISHID and QILAH. Kene bully lagi bdk tu. haha. Sent them back home and we proceeded back. Singgah ALIFF and bought real late supper. Monday.(031108) SS paper is finally over. Went GREENRIDGE with GFs(Azie&Irrahh) and AZIZ. Talked about the old days and karaoke session on 11Nov. Should be going la. hehe. At night went hospital as usual. She was alright after the op.Can talk and move already. Had dinner at the usuals. Pics on the wedding day will be posted soooonnn. (: I confessed. Hope you understand. I just couldn't and all I need is myself. Labels: Dreams stay big. |